Dave (click above picture to see his photos )

Sowams Heritage Area Project

Native People of Warren, RI, during the
Pre-colonial Contact Period

Conservation Commission

West Wight Potter

Healthy City Fall River
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information on low-carb diets for weight loss and diabetes remission
David S. Weed, Psy. D.
Local Historian
Low Carb Diet Expert
West Wight Potter Sailor
Retired Community Psychologist
M.Ed. in Community Mental Health Counseling, Northeastern
University, Boston, MA, 1974.
B.A. in Psychology, Kalamazoo
College, Kalamazoo, MI, 1969.
Current Position
Executive Director, Partners
for a Healthier Community, Inc.
Coordinator, Healthy City Fall River
Government Center, Room 440
One Government Center
Fall River, MA 02722
508-324-2411Previous Position
Director of Community-Clinical Services,
Fall River Site Office
Massachusetts Department of Mental Health,
Dr. John C.
Corrigan Mental Health Center.
49 Hillside Street, Fall
River, Massachusetts 02720.
(508) 235-7211
FAX (508) 235-7346
Previously licensed as a Psychologist in Massachusetts, No. 3181
Former member of:
The Society for
Community Research & Action (SCRA)
Division 27 of the American Psychological
Community Activities
for a Healthier Community - Fall River
Citizens working together to improve the health of residents
of Fall River, Somerset, Swansea and Westport, Massachusetts
Conservation Commission
The Warren Conservation Commission is an appointed committee that
advises the Town of Warren on matters that pertain to the conservation
of open space and shore access for the public.
Healthy City Fall River - A Community Partnership, Mary Zahm (Ed.)
Colloquia: conversations on Teaching & Learning, (2004) Fall River,
MA: Bristol Community College, 125-136.
The Hazards of Leaving the Home Office: Consultation and Education
for a Community Health Center, The Community Psychologist,
(1994) 27(3), 37-40.
Health and Human Service Coalitions: Uniting City Services
in a Common Mission, The Community Psychologist, (1988)
21(3), 30-31.
Providing Consultation to Primary Prevention Programs: Applying
the Technology of Community Psychology, ERIC
No. ED326773.
Organizing a community to prevent post traumatic stress disorder:
The Taunton C.A.R.E.S. experience, Promotion of Mental Health,
Vol. 5, Dennis R. Trent and Colin A. Reed (Eds.) (1995) Aldershot,
England: Averbury.
For further information, e-mail Dr.
Weed @ drweed@cox.net.
Revised 7/15/17